Often times they don’t understand the information presented and are unable to make an informed decision. This can cause difficulties when Japanese companies are screening your resume. The resume is open to your creativity and your uniqueness makes you stand out from the rest. Apart from specifics such as name, contact details ,and references. Though there is a consensus for the typical layout of an English resume. They know where to look if they want to check specific details such as your academic history or specific skill sets etc. (Just be sure to keep the overall format the same) Japanese companies will look at your Japanese resume!įor many of the Japanese companies, they are very used to seeing the Japanese resume format. You can find various styles that you can test out on the internet where you can tailor your design to suit your needs. Though the format is fixed, if you are using word/excel to make your Japanese resume, you are allowed to add additional columns and sections as long in addition to the original format, but you cannot alter the latter. Nowadays, a good number of companies (especially those with a progressive mindset) accept Rirekisho made in Word/Excel.
Companies believe they are able to discern a candidate’s personality and match for a position based on your handwriting. Traditionally, you are supposed to hand write your Rirekisho. The resume is split into two parts with a solid line separating the two. The standard format of a Japanese resume known as a ‘Rirekisho’ is usually two A4 pages (A3 in size). What is the standard Japanese resume format? In this article, we will explore the typical resume format, and how it can benefit your job hunting process. That said, as an expected part of any application it is always advantageous to have a Japanese resume – even if you don’t speak or write Japanese.
For non-Japanese, this can be surprising as the restrictive format may make it difficult to point out your strengths and uniqueness. Everyone uses the same format when applying to for jobs in Japan. You can even get the set template at your nearest convenience store or 100yen store.